Well shit.
Sorry guys I had kinda totally forgotten about this place for a while.
I kinda went through alot from late 2019 till now so yeah.
I'm currently unemployed due to the virus and also the fact that unemployment pays better then my full time job right now. So I'm kind of using this as an opportunity to work on my art and stuff more again.
I'll probably just update the gallery from here out
I'm not gonna try to upload all the back log
if you wanna follow me other places all my social media links are on my page.
My page will probably get a make over soon too so looking forward to that
Hope to talk to you guys more soon.
Welcome back to Newgrounds then. Also, Hiya there ^_^ I've been uploading to this place via postybirb for a while now. I've come to be pretty okay with it here? You gonna pick out your Favs arts to upload to here instead of a backlog?
Thank you <3 Yeah it's really not to bad. Yeah, I'm gonna be a bit more selective I think. But I like the ability to post videos and stuff here which I think will make it easier for me when I start making more animations.