Welcome back to Newgrounds then. Also, Hiya there ^_^ I've been uploading to this place via postybirb for a while now. I've come to be pretty okay with it here? You gonna pick out your Favs arts to upload to here instead of a backlog?
Thank you <3 Yeah it's really not to bad. Yeah, I'm gonna be a bit more selective I think. But I like the ability to post videos and stuff here which I think will make it easier for me when I start making more animations.
Welcome back to Newgrounds then. Also, Hiya there ^_^ I've been uploading to this place via postybirb for a while now. I've come to be pretty okay with it here? You gonna pick out your Favs arts to upload to here instead of a backlog?
Thank you <3 Yeah it's really not to bad. Yeah, I'm gonna be a bit more selective I think. But I like the ability to post videos and stuff here which I think will make it easier for me when I start making more animations.